Background Checks:
How to Perform a Check and Use the Results (PDF) Use these guidelines for background checks.
Background Checks GuideOne policyholders receive discounts on background checks provided by SafeChurch® Shepherd's Watch, which has negotiated low-cost, easy-to-access, and timely background checks through one of the nation's largest screening organizations, LexisNexis®. This service is more comprehensive and customer-oriented than those offered through any other vendor.
Background Investigation Consent Form (Criminal Records Request; PDF) Background Investigation Use this consent form for identifying criminal convictions of potential or current employees or volunteers.
Child Abuse Prevention/Sexual Misconduct:
Policies and Procedures in the Prevention of Child Abuse: PDF This sample policy includes policies and procedures for sexual misconduct prevention and response.
Preventing Sexual Misconduct (PDF) This document includes statistics, loss trends, and prevention procedures.
Respnding to an Allegation of Child Sexual Abuse (PDF) This document offers suggestions for a planned response to allegations.
Dealing with Sex Offenders (PDF) Learn about the difficult situation of responding to a known sex offender within the congregation.
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